Friday, February 25, 2011


Something I wrote the other day. It's fueled by Enjoy.

By far one of the things which greatly perturbs me is the ignorance and empathy which fuels a lot of criminal cases. These tend to be based on unfounded and silly laws that literally create victims out of victimless crimes which is in essence, you doing what you want to do to your body and your body alone and then being punished by an outside party. My sincerity on this issue is usually misinterpreted by people simply assuming that I want access to drugs, and cheaper ones at that. If I had the opportunity of legalizing all drugs and in the process saving thousands of lives due to the death of gangs, I would do it in a heartbeat. The "war on drugs" to me (in an individuals case) and any victimless crime which for some reason is punishable by making the lone individual the victim is perplexing to me. I understand that our government cannot allow this for fear that once their legalization, drug use will sky rocket and with this will come crime and who knows what else. In our current system through arrests, court dates, and sometimes even prison are acceptable if not standard forms of punishment. That we, as a society, degrade and punish people for participating in an activity which if harmful, is only to them, seems to be in direct violation of The Bill of Rights. Why should anyone determine what is good for you and your body? This can range from mental health to physical health. At the same time we have pharmicutical drug companies telling us any emotion we feel which is extreme is an undiagnosed illness that we have to take such and such medication to go back to being "mentally correct". Apparently, its ok to do drugs but only when the government is dealing them. Within this same issue I feel that alcohol commercials are alone enough hypocrisy to show the voidness and depravity of these laws. It's proven time and time again that alcohol when abused by an individual to a high degree tends to effect the people around them. May it be through the inebriated person getting into a car and risking the lives of innocent civilians or through the temper they gain through their drunken stupor. Even the standard semi responsible individual can justify actions when intoxicated, that soberly they would never even conceive. I feel that ANY substance (marijuana in particular as this has by far the least harmful effect on the individual using it, and zero effects on any person that that high individual comes into contact with) should be legal as long as they are not endangering the lives of others through getting behind the wheel of a car or any other situation where they could put others at risk. I understand that families are ruined by drugs but more families and more innocent civilians feel the wrath of gang violence which is standard in narcotic use. I myself have not only felt the effects of these petty laws on myself, which cost me nearly three thousand dollars in attorney fees for a personal amount of marijuana I was arrested for but also through acquaintances and family members whose lives were ruined not by the drug they were using but by the legal repercussions of getting caught with said substance. By simply having this on their record they were blacklisted from high paying jobs due to the connotation by their ill informed employers that simply because they had experimented or used a drug meant that they were incapable of being a suitable employer. This cannot reflect back on your morals and sense of responsibility for if you were to make that assumption then our current president wouldn't be in his position. Essentially, we are knowingly creating victims out of a victimless crime all the while stuffing the pockets of lawyers, judges, and the police. I understand that our government cannot allow substances that they know as dangerous to one's health to be legalized and sold. Seemingly this is the main argument that drugs are illegal continue to stay illegal (again, speaking primarily of marijuana). Yet if one were to take this as truth then why is it that one cannot go without watching television without at least one alcoholic beverage commercial attempting to convince you that your lame ass dry party sucks since it's not chalk full of bud light? The same applies for the continuous sale of tobacco. I view alcohol has the real proof that the whole "war on drugs" is fueled by early 20th century mentality which is that every person who even dabbles in illicit drug use on occasion is a no good fiend and is a cyst on the genitals of our society. Alcohol, which has been proven time and time again (MADD for instance) as a substance which endangers other individuals based on the negligence of the sole inebriated person is allowed to be advertised continuously. Not only that but for the hefty price of millions of dollars you could target at least half of Americans in one fail swoop during one of the most watched events in American history (the super bowl).  Yeah drugs are bad, but not when the FDA moderates it. In fact not only do they allow prescription drugs to be sold and distributed but it seems like year after year a new chemical imbalance is the result of you feeling whatever emotion. By God, the only proper way to fix yourself is to take this pill and then next month we can raise your dose and so on and so forth until the point that even if you wanted to come off of the prescription the repercussions of such would god a tolerance!! Welp we have this other pill that can fix that right up. Continuing in this vein of lies I find it enraging that millionaires whom will never ever have to worry about money again complain to the point of supporting local politicians to cut social spending. I do not understand the lack of empathy from those whose lives are free of worry even if it is for your own weird sense of self satisfaction of doing right. No matter what income I make in the near future I cannot find it humanly palpable to allow families to literally starve to death due to the poverty that in a lot of cases, they were born into. Regardless of their current situation, if a family of five is living basically homeless, I would want the government to take from my paycheck just to ensure suitable living standards for this family. Essentially a lot of the way our political system "justifies" things such as tax cuts for the rich and bullshit laws implicating you simply because you decide to ingest a substance for some shits and gigs, just doesn't seem to make moral/logical sense to me. The only real reason, and I'm sure I'm sounding a little ignorant right here but still, I can see that these dilemmas are still being accepted is because of the hierarchy that at the end of the day, really influences our politicians. That is, the ones who hold the money.



  1. so true but thats the world we live in ;_;

  2. your pretty much right
    i dont know what to say

    If anyone wants only important news follow me

  3. We should start our own country

  4. Hmmm... not sure either, but great song.
    Fair play.

  5. Ive got agree with you that only you should decide what you do to your body not the government.Nice blog,i'll follow

  6. Very deep stuff.. well done, very insightful

  7. keep up the posts. totally enjoyable!

  8. A lot of hate and greed leads to violence, and is caused by money.

    Based on that, I don't think drugs are a problem.

    If society was truly free, there wouldn't be any drug/criminal problems, at all. The ones in power are just sheltered, and only care about themselves.

  9. I probably don't have a drug problem either
